We are open!


We are so excited to see you!

We are holding in-person AND online (hybrid) services each week, Sundays at 10:30AM.

We hope to see you at BMU (or online)!

1710 Carleton St, Berkeley 94703 Map

Reminders, please:

  • If you are not feeling well, please stay home and join us on Zoom
  • Dress warmly in layers. We may have windows and doors open for ventilation
  • Wear your mask (we have a few available if you have forgotten yours) and physically distance, if you feel it is necessary. Clean hands often.
  • Thank you for being safe for yourself and others!

Our COVID Waiver is included below for posterity. However, there are no active COVID-19 mandates in the City of Berkeley at this time. You are no longer required to sign this waiver when attending Sunday services.