Service Projects & Outreach

Faith in action! We are committed to providing ministries of compassion, mercy and justice and peace in our church, neighborhood, region and the world.


Happening now! We are collecting $25 gift cards for Foster Youth of Alameda County Direct link to give via Tithely towards gift cards for Foster Youth 

January 19, 2025: We will assemble winter necessities kits and deliver to the less fortunate after service.

Please sign up to donate items for the kits, click here

Join us in our projects serving others and building relationships

Completed–THANK YOU!

  • Backpack supplies for Foster Kids and Youth. August 4, 2024. Kits were made and donated!
  • Hair and skin care kits for Black foster youth. July 7, 2024. 50 kits made; still accepting monetary donations for this project. Thanks for your generosity!
  • Winter necessities kits. January 21, 2024 Kits were made and donated! 
  • Period Pack donations. September 24, 2023 50 kits made and donated!
  • School Kit Assembly, Sunday August 6, 50 kits made and donated!
  • April 30, 2023 Cropwalk. Almost $12,000 raised across all participating Berkeley organizations, and over $1000 from BMU!
  • October 31 – Halloween Trick or Treat Party-time – Dress up, Face and/or Hand Painting, and hand out goodies to our neighborhood children – BMUC, Berkeley, CA

          FINISHED: See photos from our Halloween Service Project!

  • Nov 13 – Making ‘Hygiene Kits for fire and other disaster victims – at BMUC, Berkeley, CA

         FINISHED: See photos from our Hygiene Kit Service Project!

  • Dec 4 – Collect gift cards for Youth in Foster Care in San Francisco, CA – Hear from someone who has seen the inside of foster care at BMUC, Berkeley, CA

         DONATE TO the Gift Card Drive, sign up genius:  FINISHED

  • JAN 8 – Collect and Organize Socks at BMUC, Berkeley, CA; Deliver to our unsheltered neighbors– Finished

         For more info contact us at: 

or 510-848-4680

Please help! There are opportunities for everyone who is reading this!

All of these programs can use your help! Please join us to share God’s love with people we do NOT know.

Additional projects for emergencies worldwide and as other needs arise

National and International
Israel-Palestine/Wadi Foquin
BMUC is a partner in the Wadi Foquin Development Project and the Friends of Wadi Foquin Campaign. Through these efforts we encourage study/action tours to the village and Israel-Palestine, economic development of Wadi Foquin and political advocacy for justice and the safety of Wadi Foquin.

We also support United Methodist projects through the General Board of Global Ministries and United Methodist Committee on Relief, which have included assembling health, birthing and school kits, raising money for malaria prevention, and other global and national needs.

The BMUC Missions Committee strives to provide a wide variety of opportunities for the BMUC community to participate in regional and local projects through monetary donations and direct involvement.
Our service efforts have included St Mary’s center (which supports people in recovery), collection of used clothing for the East Bay Rescue Mission (please place in vestibule closet), and nonperishable food donations for the Alameda County Community Food Bank. Contact Missions Committee to get involved.

In 2020, BMUC was able to raise $6,288 toward our support of the Black community! 50% went to the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and 50% went to OCCUR in Oakland and their Black Business Relief Fund.

Additional projects are available throughout the year, and will be announced in the Sunday bulletin. Examples include Rebuilding Together, and UMW projects.

Wadi Fouquin“Diligently Work for Peace and Justice” has been represented by our ministry with Wadi Fouquin in Palestine.
In 2012, one member participated in the invitation to “come and see” the conditions for Palestinians, and walk in the steps of Jesus. The “come and see” trips continue to be organized by Buena Vista UMC, and we recruited others to travel in 2013 and in the years since. (Trips were paused, but are now restarting. )

We raised over $1000 and hosted UMC missionary Janet Lahr Lewis as part of the “Save Wadi Fouquin” campaign. In 2012, possibly for the first time in BMU history, we made an all-church (i.e., budgetary) commitment to mission, specifically, the support of Janet Lahr Lewis (she has since returned to the US and is now the Advocacy Coordinator for the Middle East, GBGM; Peace wtih Justice Program Associate, GBCS).

We have active members who participate in various ways in Wadi Fouquin projects: meetings of the Wadi Fouquin support committee, various sub committees, and planning additional ways BMUC can be involved in the campaign.

Gordon Ung helped with an educational video on WF for its website. Additionally, Flora and Alice Ninomiya were part of a delegation to a congressperson’s office to develop support for the campaign. Jean Hart went to Washington, D.C. to meet with legislators to encourage them to agendize WF. Members and friends attended an event on connections between Palestinians and Japanese Americans. We helped raise funds for the building of a new soccer field in WF.

Our members have been diligent! We look forward in the coming year to prioritize a local or national project for our peace with justice mission.

On pause — clothing drive for Richmond Rescue Mission

On pause –  Fall, TBA – YEAH! Youth Community
Cook and serve 25 dinners for homeless youth.
Need folks to make cookies. Spring & fall.

On pause –  Fall, TBA – Berkeley Men’s Shelter
Cook and serve 40 dinners for homeless men.
Need folks to make cookies. Spring & fall.

On pause – Please bring non perishable foods for the Alameda County Food Bank, clean useable coats, and men’s socks for Berkeley Food and Housing. Thank you! (*Children and youth participants welcome!)