Thank you for your generous gifts!
We are so grateful to everyone who supports God’s Kingdom through Berkeley Methodist United Church. We have a number of ways you can help support the ministry at BMUC and support our efforts to help others in need.
Online Giving:
1) BILL PAY (does not incur bank fees)
Using your financial institution’s payment system (“Bill Pay”.) It should be a feature on your bank or credit union’s mobile app or website when you log in to your account. After you set it up, they will mail a check to BMU. There should be no fees. If it asks for an account number, please use your first initial and last name.
Bill Pay Instructions
Even though your donation to BMUC isn’t technically a “bill,” you can still set it up to have your bank send one-time or recurring gifts to the church. Here are some guidelines to help you get this set up with your bank:
● Follow the directions on your bank’s website to set up a new bill or payee.
● If given a choice, choose to pay a company rather than a person.
● In the space for “company name,” enter: Berkeley Methodist United Church
● In the space for “company address,” enter:
1710 Carleton Street
Berkeley, CA 94703
● In the space for “company phone number,” enter: 510-848-4680.
● In the space for “account number,” enter your first initial and your last name; for example: JDOE
● After you have set up Berkeley Methodist United Church as a biller, it is added to your list of bills or payees and you can select it at any time and enter a payment amount and a payment date.
● You will also have the option of setting up automatic or recurring payments. (This adds greater convenience but is not recommended if there is a risk of overdrawing from your account.)
Bill pay is usually a free service of your checking account, but some banks charge a monthly fee for their bill-pay service that can be waived depending on account balance, etc.
The church is not charged any fees for receiving a donation through your bank’s bill-pay service, so what you donate is what will appear on your quarterly and annual giving statements.
Generally, all donations are designated for the general fund, which covers the operating expenses of the church and which funds our giving to the mission organizations we have partnered with as a church.
If you wish to designate all or a portion of your donation in any other way, you can type instructions in the “note” section when setting up the payment.
Thanks to Swift Presbyterian Church in Alabama, from whom we adapted these instructions
We have partnered with Tithe.ly to bring you secure online giving and to make it easy for you to make one-time or recurring donations. Get the App on mobile or please click here to donate online. (please note, it is the default to “cover [the Tithely] fees”, but you may uncheck the “cover fees” box if you wish to not do so. Tithely fees are between 1% and 2.9% of the donation, plus 30 cents per transaction.)
To find out more about giving online through Tithe.ly, read our blog post.
Support by Check:
If you’d like to mail in your support, your check can be mailed to Berkeley Methodist United Church, 1710 Carleton St, Berkeley CA 94703. Or drop in our offering basket on Sunday, or our mail slot if you’re in the neighborhood.
Special Donations:
World Communion Sunday:
Please give generously either online at our website (Tithely) or by mailing a check to BMUC, 1710 Carleton St, Berkeley, CA 94703. In the memo section, please write “World Communion Sunday.”
Friends of Wadi Foquin: to donate, please visit this page for instructions.
Scholarship for Palestine Pilgrims: If you would like to help defray the costs for BMUC’s young people making a future Palestine Holy Land Pilgrimage, your donations are truly welcome! Please send a check to “BMUC” with “Scholarship for Palestine Pilgrimage donation” in the memo line, or use the Tithely link above.
Show your support by pledging to give to the ministry and mission of BMUC. To submit your pledge online, please go to https://forms.gle/SpvXGKD5fL7qcSyd8
Contribute to BMUC while You Shop: You don’t have to write us a check to support the ministries at BMUC. In the course of your everyday life, you can make donations at no extra cost to you! We have partnered with organizations like iGive, UMCmarket, eScrip, and others to make it easy for you to shop and donate at the same time. Click for more details.
Other Ways to Contribute to BMUC: We also truly appreciate your donations of your time and talents! Please see the volunteer page for more info. Thank you!