Deuteronomy 15:10
Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.
Donate while you shop!
There are many ways to contribute to the ministries at BMUC. You can even do it at no cost to you! BMUC has partnered with different companies to direct giving from those companies to BMUC.
A way to make micro-donations to us has been developed by UMCMarket
When you sign up with UMCMarket, and designate Berkeley Methodist United Church as your organization, every time you shop online at the shops will make a micro-donation to our church at no cost to you! (When you join, your default organization is the United Methodist Church. Join BMUC and then cancel your UMC membership if you want all your donations to go to BMUC.)
Stores include Macy’s,, Sephora, Expedia and hundreds of other online stores. We receive a check when we accrue $100.
Since eScrip discontinued its online mall, they referred us to iGive. Many of your favorite stores may be participating. Have a look!
Please go to to renew, update card numbers, or sign up. Let’s aim for 100% participation! Please see Jill if you need assistance or don’t have internet access. Thank you!
**NEW** Register via text message
Earn donations for BMUC while you shop. (Lucky and FoodMaxx no longer participate in eScrip.)
Cal Mart, Diablo Foods and Piedmont Grocery are still participating.
Register your phone number or Reward card at See Jill if you need help or do not have internet access.
Planet Green
Recycle your used inkjet cartridges, and/or buy reconditioned ones from the site and we get a donation.
Our program code is 2751
Please go to the website and request a free mailing label, or bring them to church and put in the designated box, or give to Jill.
We hope you’ll join in these ways of helping to support BMU.
Our organization earned a 2022 Silver Seal of Transparency on Candid GuideStar! Now our community and potential donors, funders, and key decision makers can see our commitment to transparency and easily contact us for more information. Check us out: