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We are open!

WELCOME BACK! We are so excited to see you again! Unless there is another shelter-in-place order, we will be holding in-person AND online (hybrid) services each week, Sundays at 10:30AM. We hope to see you at BMU (or online)! Reminders, please: If you are not feeling well, please stay home and join us on ZoomDress warmly in layers. We will have windows and doors open for ventilationRead the COVID waiver below and sign in every week when you arrive at churchWear your mask at all times (we have a few available if you have forgotten yours) and physically distance. Clean hands often.1710 Carleton St, Berkeley 94703 MapThank you for being safe for yourself and others! COVID Waiver To Our Members and Guests: The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a … [Read more...]

Service project slider

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Weekly Bulletin

9/8/24 Bulletin: … [Read more...]

Breaking Bread Slider

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Live slider

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