We will show a short video from many incarcerated in the camps. We will also show the award-winning short film, "Nisei" Info from Janet: The director and writer of the film, Darren Rae, has a BMU connection in that he played BMU basketball for about 10 years and that he and his mother participated in the bazaar for years. Darren wrote and directed this 21-minute film to honor his family and the Japanese-American community. The film has won several awards at film festivals across the country and in Europe. This is not a documentary, but rather a drama based on the experiences of his grandfather and great-uncle, who are portrayed by talented Japanese-American actors Jonathan Tanigaki and Brent Yoshida.Darren and cast members have done Q&A sessions at film … [Read more...]
New Directory of Members and Friends
It's time to update our directory; let's keep in touch with each other! Please fill out this form by 3/17. The goal is to distribute a new directory on Easter, 3/31If you have a current photo of yourself and/or family you would like to include, please email it to Jill. Or see Jill Israels on Sunday to snap a photo. … [Read more...]
Lenten Bible Study
https://youtu.be/6VMgPtlAv_8 Register here <<<---CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for Dr. Chai's Spiritual Gifts study … [Read more...]
BMUC Joins Interfaith Support for Permanent Ceasefire on Gaza
This past month I participated in two events in support of Palestine, and a permanent ceasefire for Gaza. On Wednesday, December 6, I joined over 500 interfaith clergy and laity to march across the Golden Gate Bridge with banners, flags, music and chants. Some of us started on the Marin side while other started on the San Francisco side and we met in the middle. We were greeted by drivers with thumbs up and honking horns. United Methodists were one of the largest groups of faith people marching that day in support of Gaza, a ceasefire, an end to the occupation and, an end to US military support for Israel. It is a grave state of affairs that our US government and many private businesses support the ongoing occupation and killing of Palestinians my Israeli … [Read more...]
SAD Guided Journal for January/Feb Sermon series
click here to download https://bmuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/SAD-Guided-Journal-Simple.pdf … [Read more...]
Pastor’s Letter 2023 December
As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the shepherds talked it over. “Let’s get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us.” They left, running, and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. Luke 2:15-18 (Msg) Greetings and Blessings Dear Siblings in Christ, It is an awesome thing that God determined to come and live among the humans that they created in their image. We might wonder what possessed God to decide to leave a place of security, of love, of justice and mercy, of kindness and compassion to live with humans – flawed, oftentimes more emotionally driven than spiritually led, sometimes overly confident, sometimes completely insecure, yet hungry for love and learning and, sometimes, a willingness to become something … [Read more...]
Pastor’s Letter 2023 July
Greetings from Annual Conference Session (ACS) Lay Members to ACS Paul Iwahashi, Olivia Iwahashi, & Rev. Pam We are writing to you post-2023 Annual Conference Session (ACS). We want to share with you some of the highlights we witnessed and experienced One of the newest items to come out of ASC this year was a vision statement for the Cal-Nevada UMC developed by the CORE team. The CORE team, comprised of four main areas, oversees the implementation of the mission and vision of the annual conference, and follows up on decisions made at the annual conference session. The vision statement developed is Follow Jesus; Thrive in Community; Healing the World. Bishop Dyck said, “A vision statement can help us in our daily living, decision making, behavior and witness… … [Read more...]
Pastor’s Letter 2023 May
Grace and Peace my siblings in Christ, I write to you from our Palestine Holy Land Pilgrimage. We have just begun our pilgrimage in Bethlehem, West Bank, entering one of the many Palestinian refugee camps and along the Barricade Wall (called also The Separation Wall). I am reminded that it is still the Easter season, the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus, a Palestinian Jew. Having to go through the military checkpoint to enter and leave Bethlehem, I am reminded as the Gospel of Luke shared, Joseph with a very pregnant Mary, walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem, around a two week walk. If this were today, they would have had to go through a military checkpoint, having to explain what right they had to go in or to leave. This day … [Read more...]
Easter Letter 2023 April
Easter, 2023 A Blessed and Happy Easter Dear Siblings in Christ, Happy Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord! Jesus has risen from the dead! This announcement resounds in the church throughout the world, together with singing ‘Christ, the Lord is Risen Today. Alleluia!’ This Good News has been lit like a new flame in the hearts of believers, even in the face of the challenges in our world due to climate change, war, and increased restrictions on individual rights and liberties. We can be so grateful and joy-filled to gather as an open and inclusive community of faith in the Lord’s resurrection, when many do not welcome people because of who they love, how they identify, and how they worship the Creator of all. This gratitude and joy grown in the love of God in … [Read more...]
Easter Letter 2023
A Blessed and Happy Easter Dear Siblings in Christ, Happy Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord! Jesus has risen from the dead! This announcement resounds in the church throughout the world, together with singing ‘Christ, the Lord is Risen Today. Alleluia!’ This Good News has been lit like a new flame in the hearts of believers, even in the face of the challenges in our world due to climate change, war, and increased restrictions on individual rights and liberties. We can be so grateful and joy-filled to gather as an open and inclusive community of faith in the Lord’s resurrection, when many do not welcome people because of who they love, how they identify, and how they worship the Creator of all. This gratitude and joy grown in the love of God in the Risen … [Read more...]