Happy New Year Siblings in Christ,
I pray that your Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were spirit-filled and helped to draw you closer to the in-breaking of God in Jesus of Nazareth. It was deeply moving to worship on Christmas Eve with you both in person and online. We truly do experience wondrous things when we open ourselves to God’s vision and works.
I am deeply touched by your Christmas giving; your well-wishes for me, and for my daughters as well. Thank you. You all have filled me with joy by your welcoming and helping me navigate BMUC’s history, culture, worship, and missional work. I am excited to continue to learn more from you and work with you to continue doing the work God has set before BMUC. Without sounding too gushy, my cup overflows.
I pray that your New Year’s Eve was celebratory and filled with friends, celebration, and hope. May we all be open to the will of God, to follow God’s will and share it will all whom God places in front of us. Be with God, in peace and love. You are Christ’s light in this world.
Shalom, Salaam,
Rev. Pamela Kurtz, Pastor
Join Us! Prepare and Give to Our Unsheltered Neighbors
Mission and Outreach Team
Our Mission and Outreach team in preparing to build Sock, toothpaste, and toothbrush kits for our unsheltered neighbors on January 15, 2023 during worship. Then, after worship, we will all carpool with our gifts to a nearby unsheltered community.
Our goal is to make 50 kits! We have quite a bit of toothpaste and toothbrushes. We can always use extras for other mission projects if we have more than 50, so if you have extras at home, please do bring them in.
Our greatest need are short crew and regular crew socks (either one works well). You can get the general sizes (9-12 or 6-10). You are welcome to drop them off during the week (excepting Wednesdays) or bring them in for worship, January 8 or January 15, the day of our mission project building.
Below is the SignUp Genius link to sign up that you are bringing them in. Or, you can let Pastor Pam know that you re bringing some in and she will sign you up on the link. Please do invite your family, friends, and neighbors. If there’s one thing we’ve learned is that people want to help those less fortunate AND they want to be sure their help is going directly to helping those most in need. WE DO THAT!!