Dear BMUC Family,
It is with great sadness and much thought that we have made the decision to stop offering baby care during service. The baby care model that we have set up for our church requires that there is a good-sized group of volunteers that can commit to coming on their assigned Sunday and not have any other commitments on that day. Many of the people that attend regularly are already committed to several other committees and serve in many ways, sometimes on the same day. Because of this, we do not have the volunteers that we need at this time to continue this “service”. We acknowledge that this is not an ideal decision, especially if we want to attract young families. However, given our “workforce”, we felt it was best to make this decision.
As of now, parents are very welcome to keep babies with them in the service. We also have a baby care area available in the Kato Hall if they need it. The service can be heard in this room if desired. Parents of toddlers may opt to send their children to Godly Play if they judge their child to be able to handle a classroom environment. However, this too will require church volunteers to assist them and the Sunday School teacher in the Godly Play classroom. And, parents may be contacted to pick up their toddler from Godly Play if necessary.
We know how important having youth attend our church is. We all love seeing their energy and smiles, and the vitality they bring. If you would like to volunteer to help with any of the youth (ages 0-18), please contact Cheryl Tekawa-Pon. We could really use your support and time to grow our church in this way! We all are the church.