May Sunday Volunteers

Click for full 2017 schedule

May Volunteers
We are the church together!

BMUC Worship Leaders
7 Irene Tekawa
14 Lindsay Hiratzka
21 David Fujita
28 Bazaar

BMUC Ushers
7 Kevin Pon & Cheryl Tekawa-Pon
14 Jaime Fukumae, CJ
21 Jackie Takahashi, Jean Ishimaru
28 Bazaar

BMUC Pianists
7 Kathy Uyeno
14 Vicky Jennings
21 Kathy Uyeno, Michiko Uchida
28 Vicky Jennings

Sunday Greeters
7 Alice Ninomiya
14 Lois Kaya
21 Alice Ninomiya
28 Bazaar

Sunday School Teaching
Godly Play

Homevisitor Assembly
June 2017 Issue
Next article deadline 2nd Sunday 5/14
Assembly 4/21 or 22: Uchida clan

Baby Care
7 Cheryl Tekawa-Pon
14 Naty Uno
21 Jackie Takahashi
28 Bazaar

Coffee Hour & Cleanup
7 Cheryl Tekawa-Pon, Chai Motupalli
14 Mother’s Day-Men’s grp
21 Mike Yamauchi, Jean Hart, Irene Tekawa
28 Bazaar

New helpers are always welcome! Be the church!
If you would like to volunteer:
Worship Leader or Usher, Kaz Iwahashi (233-6752)
Greeter, Alice Ninomiya
Coffee Hour, Joan Fujita
Baby Care, Jackie Takahashi
Sunday School teacher, Mike Williams 526-2821
Pianist, Karen Wilairat
Newsletter Assembly Crew, church office
Thank you for being the church!