Join our team!
We need you to help us keep in touch with our folks – especially those who are not connected to social media. But for everyone who needs a bit of comfort, love, and attention.

We are starting a ministry to help us stay connected better and to care for each other through letters, notes, and phone calls. If you can keep in touch with five people once a month using any of these ways, you are a great fit for our team. We just want to make sure we are touching base with everyone on a regular basis. We want to make sure no one is falling through the cracks.
If you’re already in touch with folks on a regular basis, we would love to know that, too. Just tell us who you are in touch with so we can include you in our network. That way we can pass information on to you so that your loved ones know what’s going on at BMUC and you can share how much we care about each one of them.

If you know of people who should be on our contact list, please let us know. Don’t assume someone else has already told us who would needs to be kept in touch with! We don’t mind if we get the same people over and over on our list. We just want to make sure we are taking care of everyone who needs it. So reach out to Rev. Craig (email / Facebook) and let us know!