Help Wanted!
The proverb goes, “Many hands make light work.” And it’s true. The more hands we have, the more we are able to do together. The saying is also true we shouldn’t “burn our candle on both ends.” Which we seem to be doing more and more of.
It’s a delicate balance to run and maintain a church and its property. It requires skills and knowledge that encompass a wide range of talents. From keeping financial records, to project management, to facilities maintenance – those are just fancy words for the tasks we need to have done on a routine basis. The more people we have who can do those jobs, the easier it is for us to do all the exciting and meaningful things we do together.
The wonderful thing about BMUC is we often have volunteers who will lend their hand to help out. But we lack leaders. People willing to say, “I will be responsible!” The ones we do have are terrific but we want them to be around a long time. But because we have a shortage, the same people step up all the time and they can get burned out.
If you’re reading this and you think, “Hey, I can do something,” please drop me a line. Just a note by text, email, or phone would do. We can figure out together how you might be able to help out. Here is a small sample of some of the things we have a need for:
- Tech savvy? Our Tech Team on Sundays would love to train you to help out in worship! It’s much easier than you probably think.
- Good at fixing things up? Our Trustees need help coordinating projects, doing some research, and just in general being helping hands around the church.
- Love connecting with people? We could use you on our Hospitality Team or our Membership Committee to help out!
- Are you reading this and thinking, “I know who would be good for that!?” Then you might be a great fit for our Nominations Committee
- Do you love helping kids know Jesus? Become involved in our Education Committee
- Funeral Committee isn’t about liking funerals – it’s about lending a helping hand. Sometimes it’s as simple as being an usher (we can train you) or being a coordinator of food or helping the family. But if you feel a desire to help others in their time of need, this committee needs you.
Those are just some of the many ways you can help out. There are many more and there are more ways to help than just what’s listed above. If you are even interested in helping out, please let me know so we can figure out what fits your schedule, your abilities, and your calling. Thanks so much! We are the church!
Peace in Christ,
Rev. Craig