When are we coming back to worship?
People are starting to wonder about when we will open the doors to the church building and welcome people in person once again. The short answer is…probably not for a long time.
We all WANT to come and worship live and in person. We want to hug and shake hands with friends and family. We want to welcome new people into our church family. But sometimes our needs outweigh our wants. In this case, the need to love our neighbor by NOT meeting in person, the need to love our church family by NOT gathering together, the need to NOT be a viral hotspot outweighs our wants. By a lot.
I know we will come back to worship live and in person one day.
But it won’t be soon. When we do, there will be MANY restrictions at first. No live choir singing. No call and response. No social hour. No hugging and shaking hands. No passing of the peace. No bulletins. No morning coffee cart. We will be keeping our social distance. We will sit every other pew or every third pew. We may have multiple worship services and have reservations to attend worship. For now, these are all just possibilities, but likely ones.
Experts estimate churches won’t be allowed to reopen in any capacity until August or September. Even then we may choose not to until it is safe. I’ve asked our Mission: It’s Possible Team to serve as the BMUC COVID-19 Task Force to determine when it is safe for us to meet again. Together we will discuss what needs to be done, who we might need to add to the Task Force, and how we will phase in our re-opening. As always, we will follow the direction of our Annual Conference, our local health advisors, and the state.
Until then, we hope you’ll join us for online worship. We have been exploring creative new ways to bring you an experience that brings you closer to God. It’s been fun, uplifting, and exciting as we come together on Sunday mornings. If you haven’t been a part of it yet, we invite you to see what it’s like on ZOOM and Facebook. If you miss a service, you won’t be able to interact live, but you can still watch it on our Facebook page and our YouTube channel. Links and list of past services at www.bmuc.org/live.
Stay safe and may God’s presence be seen and heard by you now and always.
Peace in Christ,
Father’s Day and New Parents Tribute
Is there someone in your life who has been like a father to you? Are you especially proud of being a dad? We are working on a photo tribute to all the fathers out there and would like you to send a digital image to us (by 6/17) for our Father’s Day worship. We also would like to do a blessing for all the new parents and grandparents out there! If you’ve had a newborn enter into your family this year, please let us know and send us a pic of your new bundle of joy! Send those pics to Rev. Craig by email – craigY@bmuc.org – the higher resolution the better. Thank you.
Reminder – Got Email?
Don’t need the Homevisitor?
We are now sending the Homevisitor by first-class mail to people without email. If you are capable of receiving it by email, please let us know at bmuchurch@gmail.com.
Or if you don’t wish to receive the newsletter by first-class mail, please call and leave a message, or drop us a note and let us know.
Thank you!