Coming Attractions…
When I was a kid, the previews were almost as cool as whatever movie we were seeing. There was always something more to be excited about, something we could look forward to even after the film was completed. So I thought for this edition of Craig’s Corner we would have some “coming attractions” of our own to help you to look forward to what’s coming at BMUC! Most of these things are still in the planning stages so just like in the movies there might be parts that will change before you see it in church, but here goes. Imagine in your head that deep movie voice…
- He needed to find the perfect gift! But where could he go?
THE CHRISTMAS BAZAAR (rated G) coming to BMUC in December

- She was looking for hope and it came upon her in the midnight clear.
CHRISTMAS EVE (rated G) coming in person and online December 24th

- They made it through together! THE REUNION (rated G) coming soon to a BMUC near you

With restrictions lifting and life looking a bit more like it did pre-pandemic, we have a lot to look forward to. We hope if you’ve joined us virtually since we started to shelter in place, you’ll still worship with us whether that is in person or virtual. We plan to keep both once we come back in the building. If you live close by, we hope you’ll join us for some of our traditional events and maybe help us start new ones! We’re still targeting the beginning of August as our re-start date, pending guidance from the state and our own church. But no matter how you look at it, in the words of that famous attraction at Walt Disney World, “there’s a great big beautiful tomorrow.” We can’t wait!
Peace in Christ,
Rev. Craig