What is Easter without an Easter Egg Hunt?
Still the most significant day in the Christian calendar.
As I write this, we are in the midst of the coronavirus crisis and “sheltering in place” for the time being. While I am confident we will emerge from this time in greater need of God than ever before and stronger as a church community for having endured this, it still leaves us for the time being feeling helpless, anxiety-filled, and uncertain.
Already, our church council voted to cancel the Bazaar and the Fall Church Retreat. With so much time, effort, and planning that needs to go into both of those events, it just didn’t seem possible to do either of those justice or to have people commit to the event with so much going on in their own lives. We worry more about all of you and your health than we do about these events and want to make sure we create space for you to do what you need to do to take care of yourself and those you love.
But we will have our Easter!
In all likelihood we won’t be celebrating together in person. With the CDC guidelines in place and with the continued risk of gathering together, we will have to meet online, but we will still find a way to celebrate our Lord! We will worship. We will sing. We will gather together as God’s people. And we will have our Easter.
And then we’ll have another.
Easter is a time of resurrection and renewal. It is a time when Christ returns to new life. And when we finally are able to gather together again, let us celebrate Easter as one people as God intended! Let us eat together, smile and laugh together, have a true flowering of the cross, and yes, even hunt Easter eggs. Let us have something to look forward to and have it give us hope. The day will come when we can truly gather together. It may not be for a while, but we will keep praying for each other and lift one another up, and together we will make it through the darkness of these times and back into the light. I look forward to both of our Easter celebrations! Be with us on the journey.
Peace in Christ,