What is it like to have online communion?
In some ways, it will feel different. In some ways, it will be very much the same. And hopefully it will also be much more similar to how the disciples first experienced communion with Jesus. As Christians, we believe that Christ is always present with us, especially when we gather together, but there is something sacred and special about communion.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.”
Matthew 18:20

Beginning May 17th and for as long as we are sheltering in place, we will host a short but meaningful communion service right after worship every 3rd Sunday. We’ll give everyone five minutes to grab a bite to eat (snack / full meal / dessert – whatever your fancy) and something to drink (no alcohol please, but anything else is fine) and come back to your monitors.

We’ll have some time to unwind and talk while eating and drinking together. At some point during our sharing we’ll play our Memorial Candle Tribute. We’ll have a short liturgy to recognize the work of the Holy Spirit among us and to remember Christ’s sacrifice for us. We’ll lift our drinks and eat our food as we would if we were gathered around a table with Christ, and then we’ll sing a couple of songs together chosen by all of you.
Please send your hymn or song suggestions to Naomi Sanchez-Varney (naomi@bmuc.org) no later than Thursday of the week leading up to communion. The two songs with the most votes will be played that week for everyone to sing along with. We look forward to this new way of encountering Christ through worship!