Our congregation has a unique opportunity to participate in a series of workshops on designing meaningful and memorable worship services. They will be led by Dr. Marcia McFee who has taught techniques for worship design and leadership for more than 20 years.
Everyone is encouraged to participate! Choose from the workshops listed and attend as many as you wish! The first workshop will lay the groundwork for the remaining shorter workshops that will focus on a specific topic.
Saturday, March 8, 9am-3pm
The specific topic workshops are all on Tuesdays, 7-9pm.
March 11: Visual Arts Creating worship centers for every season of the liturgical year, creating
interactive worship stations, working with symbols and metaphors
March 18: Verbal Arts. Anyone can write liturgy and liturgical poetry with the right forms, writing choral readings, training readers, enhancing preaching
March 25: Music Arts. Music repertoire for dynamic worship, creating musical flow and underscoring, the role of the musician in mood and “threads” for a series
April 1: Media Arts. Media from low-tech to high-tech, producing video “trailers” for worship series, the art of print media for worship, training audio/visual volunteers
April 8: Dramatic Arts and Wrap -up. Making ritual rich (baptism, communion), “blocking” the service, drama beyond “skits” that don’t take a lot of rehearsal, movement that’s not just for dancers
The workshops will be held at the San Ramon Valley UMC, 902 Danville Blvd, Alamo, CA 94507.
For more information, please see the website: https://ny163.infusionsoft.com/app/page/sfbayexperience
To sign up or if you have other questions, contact Rev. Naomi or Kathy Uyeno