October Volunteers
We are the church together!
BMUC Worship Leaders
4 Lindsay Hiratzka
11 Irene Tekawa
18 Mike Friedrich
25 Greg Suzuki
BMUC Ushers
4 Alice Ninomiya, Michelle Garabedian
11 Verna Uchida, Teresa Uchida
18 Jackie Takahashi, tba
25 Ruth Ichinaga, Margie Suzuki
BMUC Pianists
4 Kathy Uyeno
11 Kaz Iwahashi
18 Irene Tekawa
25 Vicky Jennings
Sunday Greeters
4 Cheryl Tekawa-Pon
11 Judy Fukumae
18 Roy Yamada
25 Richard Sekiguchi
Sunday School Teaching
Godly Play
Homevisitor Assembly
November 2015 Issue
Next article deadline 2nd Sunday 10/11
3rd Sunday assembly 10/18 Mike Uno, Hazel Kinoshita, Lori & Bobby Shiota
Baby Care
4 Jackie Takahashi
11 Emma Williams
18 Judy Fukumae
25 Jean Hart, Richard Pearson
Coffee Hour & Cleanup
4 Chow mein cleanup Trustees
11 Mike Yamauchi, David Fujita
18 Richard Pearson, Elaine Kawakami
25 Halloween-All
If you don’t cook, monetary donations to the coffee hour/potluck fund are gladly accepted. Thank you!New helpers are always welcome! Be the church!
If you don’t cook, monetary donations to the coffee hour/potluck fund are gladly accepted. Thank you!
Your help is always welcome! If you would like to volunteer:
Worship Leader or Usher, Kaz Iwahashi (233-6752) kazu12@sbcglobal.net
Sunday School teacher, Mike Williams 526-2821 msw31855@gmail.com
Pianist, Michiko Uchida(526-4725)
Newsletter Assembly Crew, church office bmuchurch@gmail.com
Thank you for being the church!