By Richard Pearson, chair of the landscaping committee
As of March 8, the Trustees have received donations which completely cover the cost of the landscaping project (total cost: $136,888). It is fitting that the last donation which put us over the top came from Marvin and Miyo Uratsu, as Marvin was honorary chair of the fund raising drive. Marvin’s advice and support were very helpful to the project.
With the completion of the project, our church “front yard” now reflects the positive and renewed energy of our congregation. The transformation is remarkable, and many have commented that the church is now more welcoming. In fact, a recent visitor to one of our neighbors asked if that was a new church down the block!
Thank you also to the members of the landscaping committee: David Fujita, Lindsay Hiratzka, Lee Marrs, Rev. Naomi Southard and Elaine Kawakami. And the landscape architect, Robert Fukushima, and contractor Kevin McCaffrey.
And a special thank you to all BMUC members and friends who donated to this project!
A list of the major donors is available upon request.