May Announcements

Ordination Service for Dn. Mike

You are invited! Friday, June 24, 7:30pm at Hyatt Regency Burlingame (near SF Airport) All BMUC members and friends are encouraged to attend.

Directory Photos and Updates of Info

To BMUC members….Please see Harold Hayashi on Sundays. He will be taking pictures for the new directory. He has fewer than a dozen pictures left to take. Couples and Families, please attend and be photographed together. Pictures are a great part of any directory, it reminds us in identifying people.

If you have moved, changed your phone number or email in the last 5 years, please let Jill know at The directory will be most useful if it is accurate. Thank you!

Peace Camp
Children grades K-5 will learn about peacemaking through storytelling, faith practices and traditions, yoga, the arts (music/dance/visual arts), cooperative games and movement. Further, they will also learn peaceful conflict resolution and communication skills. We’ll also cover themes such as self-acceptance, empathy and compassion, cooperation, generosity, sharing, and respect. All activities will be age appropriate and will model deep respect for cultural and religious diversity. For application, please visit:

Missions Opportunities
Rebuilding Together, April 30, 1004 Jones Street in Berkeley. Age 14 and up (teens need a waiver signed by parent or guardian to participate.) Wear closed toe shoes, long pants and t-shirt. Please see Carolyn, Irene or Chai for more info.

Birthing Kits We will be assembling the Birthing Kits after service May 8 in the social hall before we start eating. It should be fast if we have enough participation.

Youth Upcoming dates
Rebuilding Together April 30
Mother’s Day activity TBA
Family Fun Night June 17
Jr. High Camp July 3-8, 2016
Peace Camp July 18-21
Asian Camp July 24-29, 2016
Sierra Service Project July 31-Aug 5
See Chai for more info!

***New!!! Escrip is at Lucky Supermarket ***
Register your phone number or Lucky Reward card at
See Jill if you need help or do not have internet access.

We welcome your help with Annual Bazaar! Come and fellowship! See you there!

BMUC 2016 Annual Bazaar Schedule (tentative)
NOW Solicit donations for our Silent Auction
EARLY IN MAY Make osushi vinegar mix (May 18, afternoon.); ask businesses to post our flyer
THURS. A.M. Prepare curry; P.M. tsukemono
FRI. All day Clean Kato hall, tables, shelves, floors
Arrange tables & chairs for Saturday A.M. norimai
Wash rice cooling trays, metal and plastic serving trays
Prepare vegetables: make parsley sprigs, chop takenoko, grate carrots,
make celery strips
Prepare norimaki ingredients: slice shiitake, cut kampyo strips
Prepare chirashi ingredients: chop kampyo & shiitake, cook chopped
takenoko and grated carrots
Make udon dashi
SAT. 6:00 A.M. Wash and cook rice
Make ohagi
7:00 A. M. – 5 P.M. BBQ Pork spareribs at BMUC
7:00 A. M. Begin rice cooling.
9:00 A. M. Make norimaki, Stuff inari
Cook and cool peas
Package fortune cookies
Sat. afternoon
Package osushi plates
Make chirashi
Musubi making
Set up tables for assembly lines for box lunches
Wash dishes for curry and bowls for udon
6:00 P.M. Assemble box lunches
Set up tables and chairs for dining and counter sales
Hang signs
SUN. A.M.Wash and cook rice for curry
Prepare curry rice and udon
Prepare for unagi donburi,rice and barbecue tare
Decorate and set tables for dining
Prepare for counter sales of food
Prepare for box lunch counter
Price baked goods
Boil water for tea
12:00 NOON -4:00 P. M. BAZAAR
4:00 P. M. CLEAN UP

Please join in wherever you can! Many hands make light work!

News from Sister Churches & Organizations
Conference News:

Buena Vista UMC Bazaar
Celebrating Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Sunday, May 1. 2311 Buena Vista Avenue at Park Street, Alameda, CA 94501
Events: Live Music, Arts & Crafts Boutique, Kids’ games, Raffle and Cultural Activities for all ages
Menu: Chicken Teriyaki Barbecue, Sushi, Lumpia and much more!

Aldersgate UMC Spring Bazaar Saturday, May 7 from 11am to 4pm. Come by for Bento lunch, amazing Teriyaki chicken, home made manju, sushi, crafts, collectibles and the art gallery.
4243 Manuela Ave, near the corner of Arastradero and Foothill Expressway in Palo Alto. Go to www.aldersgatepa for a downloadable poster, or a map to the church.

Topaz Museum Benefit Concert Sunday, July 10, 7p.m. and 6p.m. Pre-concert talk about Topaz Internment Camp. SFS Principal Trumpet Mark Inouye explores his roots and performs with friends in a benefit for the Topaz Museum. SF Conservatory of Music Concert Hall.