“…For where your treasure is there your heart will be also.”
Those words from Jesus are a guide to our life of giving. Giving isn’t only something we do to keep the church going. Giving is a characteristic of God’s people. It’s an attitude, an orientation if you will, of a way of life. Our sermon series is a chance to explore the topic of giving from a spiritual point of view and we hope you’ll join us for this journey.
Members of BMUC – We are also doing a pledge drive so we can create a working budget for next year. Please click below to share with us the amount you can offer to the church in 2022. Part of being a child of God is being a good steward of our gifts and this will help us accomplish that goal. We are only asking our members to take part. If you’re a guest at BMUC, we just want you to focus on your faith journey and appreciate you just being here.

Message: Meatloaf and Other Things in the Fridge