First Phase of Front Landscaping to begin!

Members of landscaping committee, plus Peggy Hiratzka wielding the chain saw for the symbolic juniper cutting

Members of landscaping committee, plus Peggy Hiratzka wielding the chain saw for the symbolic juniper cutting

welcomeThe Church Council approved the landscaping contract on October 27. The City of Berkeley is reviewing the final plans, and we should have the permit before Thanksgiving.

The contractor will tear out the old plants and remove the old concrete walks the week after Thanksgiving. Then he will start work on the new walkways, probably the second week of December. He hopes to have the walkways done by Christmas, so we can use them to get into the church. The hand railings will then be fabricated, based on measurements of the new walkways. They should be installed in January. If we have a lot of heavy rain, the schedule could be delayed.

Remember that the front yard of the church will be fenced off during construction — use the side door next to the kitchen or the door from the back parking lot.