Dear Friends,
Many of you know and love the old song, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;
then all these things shall be added unto you, Allelu, Alleluia.” It has a beautiful, calm melody. It reminds us that our priority should be to seek God’s ways, and then we will have everything we need.
This song comes from Matthew 6:33, and the preceding verses emphasize that we should not be fearful or anxious about the future. The verses tell us we don’t have to worry about the most basic aspects of survival — food or drink or clothing (which most of us spend quite a bit of effort on every day).
This is an Easter message: God offers us new life today, a huge opportunity to discover all that we can be when we offer our lives to God. It is a great adventure – perhaps a little (or a lot) scary. We may worry what will happen if we allow ourselves to be transformed, to really try to live the way that Jesus taught us, when we try to follow our hearts to God.
The song tells us, everything will be all right; everything will be just as it should be.
In the spirit of Easter, set aside one of your fears, and live in this moment the life God wants for you. Start with a prayer, ask God to continue to create in you the spirit of love and compassion, the spirit of Christ. Then, see what wonderful surprises will follow. Resurrection.
Rev. Naomi