UMW Christmas Bazaar
Come do some Christmas shopping for pretty and cute crafts and cards, and enjoy a delicious Udon luncheon and bake sale! Udon and bake sale proceeds will benefit Family Retreat & Youth/Family funds.
Bring your friends!
Christmas Greetings
If you would like to send and receive a Christmas Greeting, please give $10 to Jill by December 13. Participants will receive a Christmas card from each other.
Farewell Potluck
December 27th will be the final day for our adult and junior choir directors, Stephen Varney and Naomi Sanchez. Please save the date. There will be a farewell potluck after the service. Let’s celebrate the memories and send them off with joy and our very best wishes.
“Twas the Light Before Christmas!”
Everyone is going to need Sunglasses from Ray and Vanessa when the Light of the World is born in Bethlehem! Visit with the stingy Census Takers (Dewey, Cheatham and Howe), the busy Innkeepers and the heavenly Angels in this fun re-telling of our beloved Christmas story.
All young people are invited to be in our cast! Bring your instruments, your singing voices, and acting chops on Sundays, 12-1pm.
Dress rehearsal on Saturday, 12/19 3-5pm
Show on Sunday, 12/20 at 10:30am
If you have questions, please contact Naomi Sanchez
Worship Leader and Usher Schedule
I will be working on the 2016 usher/worship leader schedule soon. Please let me know if you would like to serve in either capacity. If you are already on my list, please let me know if you would like to be removed. Thank you for your service to our church.
Busy Season for SPRC
Each fall, the SPRC (Staff Pastoral Relations Committee) meets several times to recommend staff compensation for the coming year, and to prepare an evaluation of the pastor for the Bishop. In the Methodist tradition, pastors are appointed each year by the Bishop. The SPRC will begin this process in November, following the policies and procedures of the California Nevada Annual Conference. The evaluation is sent to the Bishop in early December.
Members of the congregation may provide input to the SPRC by contacting a committee member:
Mike Williams, Cheryl Tekawa-Pon, Karen Wilairat, Carolyn Soto, Joan Fujita, Yusef Shafi, Greg Suzuki, and Steve Hayes.
Richard Pearson, SPRC Chair
Email Address Update:
If you could send BMUC YOUR updated email address, phone and address, it would be much appreciated!
Directory Photos
To BMUC members….Please see Harold Hayashi on Sundays. He will be taking pictures for the new directory. Let him know after the service before social hour, he will be taking the pictures in the back part of the Issei Chapel. The sooner your pictures are taken, the sooner we will have the new directory. Pictures are a great part of any directory, it reminds us in identifying people.
Berkeley Methodist United Church invites you to its JOYOUS REUNION
Hello, everyone, Konichi wa, minna sama,
On Sunday, January 10th, 2016, BMUC will be holding a “Joyous Reunion” of past ministers & pastors of the church. It will be in conjunction with the annual New Year’s celebration. Worship service at 10:30, with luncheon to follow.
We welcome you to attend, whether you attend regularly or occasionally on Sundays… come and worship with us and celebrate the new year with our visiting past ministers and pastors. Invite and inform your relatives and friends to make this event a truly “joyous” reunion.
For any questions, please contact me, Lois Kaya, membership chairman at 925-228-4525 or e-mail me at
Blessed regards,
Lois Kaya