Church Retreat 2015

Church Retreat 2015
Hi Everyone!
It’s that time of the year and we are preparing for the 3rd Annual BMUC All Church Retreat.

Who: Friends and Families in our Church and Community
Where: Monte Toyon / Aptos, CA
When: September 25-27 (Fri-Sun)
Why: To spend time together, Grow Together, Reflect and Share

Pricing for 2015:
Adult 2 nights = $75 (meals and lodging)
Child 2 nights = $50 (meals and lodging)
Family Rate Cap = $210
Day Use Fee = $40 (adult or child)

If you are interested or if you know that you (and your families) will be joining us on this weekend, please RSVP to me ASAP πŸ™‚
Payment can be made after reservation confirmation.
It is important that we get a count as accurate as possible for planning purposes as well as site assignments at the camp ground.

We hope that you will join us! If you have any comments or questions about this activity please feel free to contact me.
Thank you!
Lourdes Uno