BMUC Worship Leaders
6 Lindsay Hiratzka
13 Esther Takeuchi
20 Olivia Iwahashi
27 Mike Yamauchi
BMUC Ushers
6 Peggy Hiratzka, Ruth Ichinaga
13 Richard Sekiguchi, Karen Wilairat
20 Elaine Kawakami, Michelle Garbedian
27 Sandy & Lois Kaya
BMUC Pianists
6 Kaz Iwahashi
13 Michiko Uchida
20 Kathy Uyeno
27 Irene Tekawa
Sunday Greeters
6 Lois Kaya
13 Jean Hart
20 Ruth Ichinag
27 Wayne Akagi
Sunday School Teaching
Preschool: as needed, babysitters
K-2: Gail Poust, Cheryl Tekawa-Pon* Bobby Shiota*
3-5: Mike Williams
Middle: open
High: Mike Yamauchi*, CJ*, Tak Israels*
Homevisitor Assembly
May 2014 Issue
Next article deadline 3rd Sunday
4th Sunday assembly 4/27
Baby Care
6 Irene Tekawa
13 Judy Fukumae
20 Jean Hart/Richard Pearson
27 Esther Takeuchi
Coffee Hour & Cleanup
6 Chow mein-Education committee
13 Miyo Uratsu, Wayne Akagi, Kiku Ito
20 Naty & Mike Uno, Olivia & Paul Iwahashi
27 Kathy & Todd Uyeno, Liz & Ken Nakamura, Kay & Yusef Shafi
If you don’t cook, monetary donations to the coffee hour/potluck fund are gladly accepted. Thank you!New helpers are always welcome!
If you don’t cook, monetary donations to the coffee hour/potluck fund are gladly accepted. Thank you!
Your help is always welcome! If you would like to volunteer:
Worship Leader or Usher, Kaz Iwahashi (233-6752)
Sunday School teacher, Kenneth Israels 527-1854
Pianist, Michiko Uchida(526-4725)
Newsletter Assembly Crew, church office
Thank you for your service!