A Word from Our Pastor 2014 June

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Dear Friends,
Thanks to everyone for an exciting and fun Bazaar. It is such a wonderful opportunity to be working together and getting to know one another as we share a common goal. It is really a blessing to be part of this wonderful church effort. Many thanks to David and Joan Fujita, and the entire Bazaar Committee, who made this happen!

As most of you know, I will be on renewal leave June 15 – September 15, and I am happy to let you know that we have EVERYTHING all planned out.

If you have any questions that you would normally direct to me, please contact Jill at the office: 510-848-4680 and bmuchurch@gmail.com. She will make sure that your question reaches someone who can answer it.

In my absence, Minister Chai, Mike Friedrich and Mary Cheng will take turns coordinating everything at church. Due to travel schedules, their rotation is a little confusing, but if you are in any doubt, please contact Jill.

Here is their schedule for the Coordinator role:
6/15-6/28 – Minister Chai: mspchaitanya@gmail.com; 513-518-0714
6/29-7/31 – Mike Friedrich deaconmike99@gmail.com 510-917-5394
8/1-8/31 – Minister Chai
9/1-9/15 – Mary Cheng mwongcheng@gmail.com 925-216-5301

Note: Chai will be away at Jr High Camp and Sierra Service Project: 6/29 – 7/4 and 7/20 – 7/26. Mary will be gone 5/20 – 7/13 and after 9/15.

If we are in need of a memorial service, or if you or someone else is ill and would like a prayer or a visit, please contact either Lindsay (hiratzkal@hotmail.com; 925-413-0424) or Jill (510-848-4680 and bmuchurch@gmail.com), and they will make sure that you receive a quick response. I have asked two pastors to be available, and of course, our Congregational Care Ministers will be working, as well.

I am grateful to BMU for providing this opportunity for me for renewal. I don’t have all my plans set as yet, but I will be going on spiritual retreat in New Mexico for a week in August, and plan to travel with my family (my cousin was assigned to England for 6 months, so we will visit). I know that you are in good hands – Chai, Jill, Mike, and Mary are gifted and committed to ministry with and for you all, and we all are in God’s care. It will be an exciting time for you, I am sure.
See you in September!

–Rev. Naomi