A Word from Our Pastor 2013 September: A New Program Year!

A New Program Year!

September is always full of excitement as we look forward to beginning a new program year at BMUC. This year, we have lots of great things in store!

We begin on September 15 with RALLY DAY and the Staff Welcome Back Potluck. The biggest change this year will be in our Sunday morning schedule. Sunday School will begin at 9:30 a.m.! This will allow our youth to attend worship with their families; children who are too young to stay in worship service will have planned activities. Adult Sunday School – our renewal Bible Study series will also begin on Sunday, September 15 at 9:30 a.m. The theme of the Adult Bible Study will focus on how to deepen our spiritual life.

On this Sunday, the young people will meet with their new Sunday School classes, and enjoy games after worship service. Service will also be followed with our annual “Welcome Back” to staff potluck, a way of celebrating a new year together.

The following weekend, September 21 and 22, we will enjoy our annual “Choir Blast.” (Performance is at 4:00p.m. on Saturday and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday). The theme this year is “Alleluia.” “Alleluia” is the Greek or Latin version of the Hebrew “Hallelujah,” which means “Praise Yahweh.” In some of the most ancient early Christian worship services (and continuing today), the people sang the word “Alleluia” before or after the reading of the Scripture. This theme of the Choir Blast helps all of us to consider how we can praise God – through words and music, through silence, through service. . . We hope that you will invite as many people as possible to support our Choir. Of course, the concerts will be followed by our delicious food sale – salmon Bentos and yakisoba, and on Sunday, teriyaki chicken!

On September 27 and 28, we are so excited for the renewal of our Church Retreat tradition, and are grateful to Lori and Bobby Shiota for organizing a Family and Young Adult Retreat at Monte Toyon. There is still room to register, and a generous subsidy from the church so that families with children and young adults will be able to enjoy a fun and restful getaway weekend. There will also be a “Retreat-Style” worship service for those of us who will be at BMUC on September 28.

The following Sunday, October 6, the people who went to Monte Toyon will lead the worship service, inspiring all of us with their joy and community Spirit!

We hope that you will join us in praising God for the blessings of community and the presence of God’s spirit among us, as we gather together in various ways through the month of September.

–Rev. Naomi