Life Grows Here Through the Joy of Generosity

2014 Stewardship Campaign at BMUC
We are the heart, spirit and hands of God’s outreaching love. Life grows here through the joy of generosity. This is the theme of our 2014 Pledge Generosity Campaign. It is through your love and generosity and the generosity of others who have graciously left us their legacies that we have our Berkeley Methodist United Church. It is the generosity of our forefathers and mothers that allowed us to support the Family Retreat. It is their support and yours that will provide funding for a new Family Minister. It is through your love and support that are our Choir Ministry has grown and as Lindsay said at the Choir Blast, it has become the largest Ministry at BMUC.
You should have received the 2014 Generosity Brochure and pledge card in the mail. If not and you would like to receive one, please let us know. We urge you to remember all that you love about BMUC and then pray for how you can support our church financially as well as with your time. As an old one favorite hymns says:
I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together. All who follow Jesus, all around the world. Yes, we’re the church together! Amen